Thursday, October 30, 2008

Default Sunday recap

This past Sunday NSW did a standard ride to the corset shop but then all things changed. A big group, some say from Little Neck, passed the corset shop. JeffB announced in true Jackie Chan Movie form "Let's get um"! The NSW thus bolted, corsets in hand, to follow the group.

He who hesitates gets dropped. I lost the group when they turned right to continue east on the LIE service road. A route that is novel to the NSW. I assumed we continued on Woodbury. For me it was to stillwell, bumpy and campus. I needed to be home early anyway.

The word from Bob is that they went to Route 110 turned back and took a very nice route to Stillwell that he hopes to be able to repeat. Bob and Yon were left together to go to Huntington. JeffK said he got lost. The final whereabouts of the rest of our intrepid group that left the corset shop is not clear. Did David make it back to North Woodmere? The last time I spoke to JeffB it was on my cell from Stillwell. And what of Joe?

Yes Ori, daylight savings actually ends this Saturday night.
Sunday 7:30 Great Neck, 8:00 Wheatley? Stay tuned for any changes.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ride MS Rankings

Follow this link to see the NSW MS Ride rankings.
Dollars raised should always beat miles cycled.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wheatley Pics

A stormy saturday left us with a great sunday as eight of us set off from Wheatley. This looks like a happy group.
Stay tuned for a full ride wrapup.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tommorow's Start Time

7:30 Daylight savings time from Great Neck, 8:00 from Wheatley.
We change the clocks next week as per Harold.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

JeffK's Sunday Report

Boy, were we glad we moved the ride up 30 minutes this past Sunday!

It was cool, 42 degrees, but if we are pedaling at 17 mph, the wind chill made it feel like 32!
I left my house at 7:15 just as the sun was rising: As JeffB says (paraphrasing) "It is hard to get angry and easy to have a smile on your face as watch the sun rise".

Bob, Ori and Isaac rode together: Amos, Joe, Harold and myself made up the "B" group. We decided to go to the Corset shop then to Stillwell to the Syosset Bagel shop the campus and home. The "A" group started the same, but bypassed Stillwell to continue on to Huntington Harbor.

Just past exit 43 on the service road Joe had a flat. Always a pleasure to see Joe work on a bike - he is a craftsmen. But after putting in a new tube and inflating the tire, Joe noticed a bulge in the tire sidewall.

This was not good. I whipped out my cell phone and Ginny was called. Always the good sport, she agreed to pick Joe up. By the time Amos, Harold and I reached Stillwell, Ginny called and said that she had Joe.

Hot chocolate at Syosset Bagel shop and home by 11:20: 43 miles which considering we started 30 minuets later plus the time fixing Joe's flat is not bad.

Do not forget to set your clocks back one hour. With this extra hour we expect everyone to be on time: 7:30 at Lakeville and Northern and 8 AM at Wheatly.

I received a telephone call from Alan on Sunday night and asked if we had ridden. I said yes, I was at Wheatly at 7:55, everyone else arrived by 8 AM and we departed at 8:05 AM. It seems that Alan arrived at 8:07, waited 20 minutes and then left. So try to be on time. If you are delayed use your cell phone and advise! Otherwise we have no way of knowing that you are coming.

Final Kudos: Harold did the entire ride!

See everyone this Sunday: 7:30 Lakeville and Northern; 8 AM Wheatly.



Sunday, October 19, 2008

Todays Ride 10/19

Cold weather, no problem. Bob, Ori, Isaac, Amos JeffK, Joe and Harold rode today. Harold with bare legs! Temperature at the start was 42F and 47F at the end with wind gusts.
After the corset shop the group split with some riders going long, (we know who), and others going short. Some of us were detoured by the Diabetes walk that was going on in the campus.
Next week same time? Stay tuned.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Start Time Change

Due to a late sunrise the High Council of the North Shore Wheelmen (who have still not signed in as authors of this blog due to girlie reasons only the High Council knows) has determined that the start time will henceforth be 7:30 at Lakeville and Northern and 8:00 at Wheatly.
Warm clothing is suggested.

In no way is girlie meant to be a put down of any of our female NSW members. As defined in Wikipedia , girlie is being used here as a general pejorative.
Thank You

Sunday, October 5, 2008

MS Ride Report

A full recap of the MS ride was emailed by JeffB in very snazzy PDF format to all North Shore Wheelmen and NSW supporters on the official? list.
Congrats to all participants and the money raised in a wet and wild ride!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sunday September 28's Ride

The wet weather may have discouraged some NSW but six North Shore Wheelmen and one Israeli guest, Nati, braved the elements.
The first part of the ride featured the Corset Shop, Snake Hill Road, the switchback and the Syosset Bagel Place . The "shpilkis" group after Snake Hill went to Moores Hill the reverse way, on to Sandy Hill and then to the Syosset Bagel Place. See Photo.
Clearly the highlight of the ride occurred after the bumpy and campus. In a show of NSW power and with the help of timely red lights, our tired NSW joined the Triangle 8:30 Group's peloton on the LIE service road. This was the fastest return to Great Neck that I ever rode.
Next up, the MS ride which I will sadly not attend this year.
Good luck to our NSW Ride MS 30, 60, and 100 milers.