Sunday, December 28, 2008

The 2008 Finale

Unseasonably warm weather and no rain. The roads were wet but Joe, JeffK and Isaac did a corset shop loop this Sunday for the North Shore Wheelmen's final ride of 2008. It was a surprisingly nice ride. Tailwinds going east and manageable headwinds going home. We were even treated to some sunshine. The only downside was the major bike washing that followed the ride.

New Year's resolutions for 2009? (Cycling Related)
Anyone for some "Change"?
Email them to me. I will post them.
If you are a blog author you can post 'em yourself.
If you want to be an author where have you been?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Other Kind of Riding

I was not in Vermont for some hill work on my bike.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Holding The Torch

Yes, the wheelmen rode this Sunday.
BobL rode 60 miles but got a flat coming out of Huntington. A great ride for mid-December. In a post ride email Bob declared: "47 degrees felt like heaven after Saturday."

Some NSW shifted from the roads to the trails. Contact Ori if you are interested.

The indoor trainer/spinning season is now officially open. I suggests Spinerval DVDs to keep things interesting if you are doing it on your own.
There are a some that I think that are better than others. Email me if you want some of my picks.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wheelmen Takes To The Street

With arms raised in true Tour de France style, our own NancyKR completed her first NYC Marathon on Nov 2. (That was not her corrected time in the picture.)

Great job Nancy.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The High Council Speaks!

After many hours of deliberation, the High Council has decided to move the starting time 30 minutes later.

The new meeting times are: Lakeville and Northern 8 AM: Wheatley and service road, 8:30 AM.

This of course means the rides will be a bit shorter, 30 to 35 miles instead of 50 to 55 miles.

I have a cut off of 38 degrees with sun, 40 without sun.

Weather permitting, see everyone this Sunday.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sunday November 16 - The ride

Four of us rode: Bob, Ori, Joe and myself.

Very, Very big headwind coming back - wind out of the West.

Joe and I went to the Corset shop and back, 34 miles. Joe had to work and I had the Giants game.

Ori and Bob????



Monday, November 10, 2008

JeffK's Sunday 11/9 Report

We all met at 8 AM at Wheatley Road and the Expressway: Bob, Joe, David, Alan and myself.

Because of the prior night's rain and wet leaves, we decided to go out the service road instead of north on Wheatley.

At the corset shop Joe and Alan decided to go straight to Stillwell and back. Bob, Dave and myself wanted a longer ride and we decided to continue on the service road - using the Triangle Bike Club route from two weeks ago.

Dave and I made the right, but Bob continued straight. That was the last Dave and I saw Bob.

Going out we had the wind at our back, so I was able to keep up with Dave.

BTW, Dave has the new Garmin bike GPS. At the end of the ride it indicated that we had climbed about 1300/1400 feet, about Rupert's!

We went out past Dix Hills and came back - the last 25 miles into a 10-15 mile headwind.

Dave was kind to wait for me at each stop light!

Weather was perfect - high 40's with sun.

Finished about 11:20 AM with 53 miles.

See everyone this Sunday.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday Report

Cold weather, 35F, did not stop eleven riders this morning.

JeffB arrived with two women, Corey and Sarit (cousin of Ori!). They will be leaving with JeffB this week for the Alyn Hospital charity ride. If you did not get the email, sponsor JeffB at search for Jeff's last name and hit the sponsorship link.

JeffK and Amos rode together. Bob,Greg, Arthur,Ori, Dave, and Isaac were part of the advance group that went to Bayville via White Church, the S-Turns and Factory Pond Road. Next it was on to Moore's Hill and Stillwell to Syosset Bagel. Isaac cut his ride short due to time issues and took Sandy Hill, the Bumpy and Wheatley home. I was back in Great Neck at 10:30 with about 44 miles ridden and no stops after the drawbridge.

David, Ori, and Isaac had this view of arriving wheelmen as we did not take the extra Bayville loop.

Further ride info will be forthcoming as all the ride precincts report in on there ride tallies.

Good Luck JeffB and Co. in Israel.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Default Sunday recap

This past Sunday NSW did a standard ride to the corset shop but then all things changed. A big group, some say from Little Neck, passed the corset shop. JeffB announced in true Jackie Chan Movie form "Let's get um"! The NSW thus bolted, corsets in hand, to follow the group.

He who hesitates gets dropped. I lost the group when they turned right to continue east on the LIE service road. A route that is novel to the NSW. I assumed we continued on Woodbury. For me it was to stillwell, bumpy and campus. I needed to be home early anyway.

The word from Bob is that they went to Route 110 turned back and took a very nice route to Stillwell that he hopes to be able to repeat. Bob and Yon were left together to go to Huntington. JeffK said he got lost. The final whereabouts of the rest of our intrepid group that left the corset shop is not clear. Did David make it back to North Woodmere? The last time I spoke to JeffB it was on my cell from Stillwell. And what of Joe?

Yes Ori, daylight savings actually ends this Saturday night.
Sunday 7:30 Great Neck, 8:00 Wheatley? Stay tuned for any changes.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ride MS Rankings

Follow this link to see the NSW MS Ride rankings.
Dollars raised should always beat miles cycled.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wheatley Pics

A stormy saturday left us with a great sunday as eight of us set off from Wheatley. This looks like a happy group.
Stay tuned for a full ride wrapup.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tommorow's Start Time

7:30 Daylight savings time from Great Neck, 8:00 from Wheatley.
We change the clocks next week as per Harold.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

JeffK's Sunday Report

Boy, were we glad we moved the ride up 30 minutes this past Sunday!

It was cool, 42 degrees, but if we are pedaling at 17 mph, the wind chill made it feel like 32!
I left my house at 7:15 just as the sun was rising: As JeffB says (paraphrasing) "It is hard to get angry and easy to have a smile on your face as watch the sun rise".

Bob, Ori and Isaac rode together: Amos, Joe, Harold and myself made up the "B" group. We decided to go to the Corset shop then to Stillwell to the Syosset Bagel shop the campus and home. The "A" group started the same, but bypassed Stillwell to continue on to Huntington Harbor.

Just past exit 43 on the service road Joe had a flat. Always a pleasure to see Joe work on a bike - he is a craftsmen. But after putting in a new tube and inflating the tire, Joe noticed a bulge in the tire sidewall.

This was not good. I whipped out my cell phone and Ginny was called. Always the good sport, she agreed to pick Joe up. By the time Amos, Harold and I reached Stillwell, Ginny called and said that she had Joe.

Hot chocolate at Syosset Bagel shop and home by 11:20: 43 miles which considering we started 30 minuets later plus the time fixing Joe's flat is not bad.

Do not forget to set your clocks back one hour. With this extra hour we expect everyone to be on time: 7:30 at Lakeville and Northern and 8 AM at Wheatly.

I received a telephone call from Alan on Sunday night and asked if we had ridden. I said yes, I was at Wheatly at 7:55, everyone else arrived by 8 AM and we departed at 8:05 AM. It seems that Alan arrived at 8:07, waited 20 minutes and then left. So try to be on time. If you are delayed use your cell phone and advise! Otherwise we have no way of knowing that you are coming.

Final Kudos: Harold did the entire ride!

See everyone this Sunday: 7:30 Lakeville and Northern; 8 AM Wheatly.



Sunday, October 19, 2008

Todays Ride 10/19

Cold weather, no problem. Bob, Ori, Isaac, Amos JeffK, Joe and Harold rode today. Harold with bare legs! Temperature at the start was 42F and 47F at the end with wind gusts.
After the corset shop the group split with some riders going long, (we know who), and others going short. Some of us were detoured by the Diabetes walk that was going on in the campus.
Next week same time? Stay tuned.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Start Time Change

Due to a late sunrise the High Council of the North Shore Wheelmen (who have still not signed in as authors of this blog due to girlie reasons only the High Council knows) has determined that the start time will henceforth be 7:30 at Lakeville and Northern and 8:00 at Wheatly.
Warm clothing is suggested.

In no way is girlie meant to be a put down of any of our female NSW members. As defined in Wikipedia , girlie is being used here as a general pejorative.
Thank You

Sunday, October 5, 2008

MS Ride Report

A full recap of the MS ride was emailed by JeffB in very snazzy PDF format to all North Shore Wheelmen and NSW supporters on the official? list.
Congrats to all participants and the money raised in a wet and wild ride!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sunday September 28's Ride

The wet weather may have discouraged some NSW but six North Shore Wheelmen and one Israeli guest, Nati, braved the elements.
The first part of the ride featured the Corset Shop, Snake Hill Road, the switchback and the Syosset Bagel Place . The "shpilkis" group after Snake Hill went to Moores Hill the reverse way, on to Sandy Hill and then to the Syosset Bagel Place. See Photo.
Clearly the highlight of the ride occurred after the bumpy and campus. In a show of NSW power and with the help of timely red lights, our tired NSW joined the Triangle 8:30 Group's peloton on the LIE service road. This was the fastest return to Great Neck that I ever rode.
Next up, the MS ride which I will sadly not attend this year.
Good luck to our NSW Ride MS 30, 60, and 100 milers.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Isaac Rides Again

Thank you to all the good wishes and sponsorships that have received from the NSW. I rode short today (corset shop, switchback, bumpy, and campus) with only some stiffness in my back and felt primed for my Israel charity ride. The route is online at and if I have internet access I will post updates.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jon's Vermont Report

It was a unusual but great weekend in Vermont in that there were only five of us but all had a great time. Jeff and Alan arrived Thursday with Steve arriving at 6 a.m. Friday to play golf. I arrived with Joe about lunch. Joe went to lunch while Jeff and I rode. We got lost and rode on 10 miles of unpaved road only to find help from a couple from Great Neck. Paul came up from Princeton about 11 p.m. on Friday.

We all went to dinner at the Sirloin Saloon on Friday - we were shocked to see it so empty. I guess the economy is taking its toll.

Saturday was the normal ride. Lynn and Tony rode with us and they were 'kind'. We bumped in a few of their friends so we had a hard but leisurely ride. Jeff is back to his old form, he is riding terriffic. I am mu usual slowness up hills but I did feel strong. Paul is riding very well. Joe rode a bit short given that he hasn't put on many miles but rode strong on Saturday and Sunday. Alan rode short Saturday and went to a wedding in NYC Saturday eve.

Saturday night instead of going out we bar-be-que'd, steak and salmon. With wines selected by Joe. Hats off to Jeff, Steve and Joe for cooking.

Sunday, Joe, Paul and I rode and when we got back went out for breakfast. We then cleaned the house and went off in different directions (with Steve and Jeff stopping off to play golf).

A successful and fun weekend. Once again we thank Steve for opening up his house. For all those who did not come, we missed you.

Love to all the NSW

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My excuse

I missed today's ride. I was in that triathlon JeffK avoided. Moore's Hill road seems to be getting flatter? I will likely ride next Sunday rather than do the Long Beach one mile swim.

Todays News from JeffK


Was at Wheatley this morning at 7:30 AM and waited 20 minutes until 7:50 but no one showed up.

Bob and Ori: Wish you were there! I had a young man, 25 from the Czech Republic who works at our Golf Club for the summer. He just bought a new Specialized Roubaix.

We did the White Church to Bayville, the Bayville Loop, dodged the Oyster Bay Triathlon, Moore's, Campus the long way and then Beacon Hill!

Two short stops at the Bayville Bridge and end of the Campus. 59 miles and we were home by 11:15.

To those of you who went to Vermont, hope you a great riding!

See everyone next Sunday.


Opening Post

North Shore Wheelmen NorthShoreWheelmen Northshore Wheelmen North Shore Wheelmen
I have taken the initiative and set up this blog so that all the NSW and those who are soon to be North Shore Wheelmen can have an online home. North Shore wheelmen Northshore Wheelmen Northshorewheelmen NorthShoreWheelmen North Shore Wheelmen
For those of you not familiar with the North Shore Wheelmen, we are a cycling group that has been around for longer than I know. I am really just a newbie here.

The important facts are that we ride from the brick medical building on the west side of Lakeville Road just before Northern Blvd at 7:00 am on Sunday mornings with a secondary meeting place at 7:30 am at Wheatly Road and the south LIE Service Road.

I have been warned that this undertaking may be dangerous.
Also I am making it possible for any of us to be "authors" of this blog not just commenters. Just give me some time to set it up.

Also to all NSW, please accept this blog in the spirit that it was created in. In no way am I trying to usurp anyone else's role in keep this ragtag group of cyclist together. Lets see if this blog has any value to us.
